חניה חופשית ניתן למצוא ברחובות הסמוכים ובחניון בבניין קומה 2- ברחוב הכבאי הצמוד למרפאה, מרכז ניצנים, הכניסה מרחוב החרושת. וגם מרחוב הכבאי. המרחק אל הכניסה למרפאה הינה כ- 20 מטרים.
מקומות חניה לרכב גבוה בחניון מס' 10 הצמוד למרפאה, מרכז ניצנים, הכניסה מרחוב הכבאי 7. המרחק אל הכניסה למרפאה הינה כ- 20 מטרים.
בתוך הבניין:
שירותי נכים – קיימים שירותי נכים לגברים ולנשים בקומת הקרקע, סמוך למעלית.
The clinic:
מרפאתנו נמצאת במפלס 00 במרחק של כ- 15 מטרים מהמעלית מהחניון.
Waiting areas - the waiting areas are accessible and equipped with waiting benches.
Our reception is equipped with an amplification system and a hearing aid system (it is recommended to coordinate its use with the meeting coordinator).
Accessibility of the call center - there is an accessible call center.
דרכי התקשרות חלופיות לטלפון (מייל, פקס, sms , צ'אט וכיוצ"ב) – ניתן לתקשר דרך מייל, אתר אינטרנטי, צ'אט, מענה טלפוני במרכזיה חיצונית וכו'
Information in accessible formats, accessible publications
"Dental Network - Dr. Buchnik" is committed to providing the maximum experience of using the site for all surfers, and therefore we made sure to invest considerable effort in making the site accessible to the disabled audience, with the aim of making it easier and more efficient to browse it. The adjustment was made mainly for the benefit of those who have difficulty using a mouse and/or typing, and the visually impaired. Among other things, care was taken to ensure full keyboard navigation in all site elements, support for increased zoom and compliance with the contrast, color and size ratio requirements. Compatibility was tested using various aids such as screens and different devices, including simulations of screen readers and content reading engines.
Recommended browsers for browsing are Chrome in its latest version. The goal of accessibility is according to the AA standard.
However, unfortunately, some of the content may sometimes not be fully accessible - due to content updates and frequent changes that the website undergoes. We try very hard to reduce the recurrence of cases, and we would be happy if you contact us and provide the details of the problem/malfunction you encountered so that we can deal with it as soon as possible, if you know of one. I apologize in advance.
Regarding website accessibility, you can contact Mr. Itamar Ben Dor by email - [email protected]
Details of the clinic's physical accessibility arrangements:
אין נגישות לנכים במרפאתנו
Our reception is equipped with an amplification system and a hearing aid system (it is recommended to coordinate its use with the meeting coordinator).
- Accessibility of the call center - there is an accessible call center.
- Alternative ways of contacting the phone (email, fax, sms, chat, etc.) - you can communicate via email, website, chat, answering the phone at external centers, etc.
- Information in accessible formats, accessible publications
information: For information in accessible formats, please contact the group's accessibility coordinator.
Ways of contact:
- Deaf and hard of hearing people can send a WhatsApp message to the number 050-8221070, please indicate at the beginning of the message "Contact for Accessibility Israel".
Accessibility Coordinator: The accessibility coordinator of the association is Valdi Golov, you can contact her by phone 03-7520020 or by e-mail [email protected] her office is in Beit Amitek, Rehabam Zeevi 2 Givat Shmuel