
Cleaning tartar from the teeth

Tartar is a hard build-up that can form on the teeth over time. Without treatment, it can cause tooth decay and gum disease. It is difficult to remove tartar with regular brushing and flossing, so many people turn to professional cleaning services. This refers to cleaning tartar in a dental clinic by a dentist, root planing or deeper cleaning by a dentist or periodontist (gum specialist) - [...]

Aesthetic dental treatments - a whole world of dental beauty

The world of aesthetic medicine has been developing rapidly in recent decades and the field of dentistry is not left behind either. The technological development in the field of medicine along with the growing demand among the population for aesthetic treatments has led to an accelerated development in the field of cosmetic dentistry as well, and today you can enjoy a series of aesthetic dental treatments that will make your smile beautiful, straight and bright and not less important, [...]

What is tooth decay? And how are holes formed in the teeth?

Tooth decay is a common problem that affects people of all ages. This occurs when the acids in the mouth eat away the enamel on the teeth. Cavities form when the enamel weakens and bacteria can begin to grow in the dentin layer of the tooth. If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to serious health problems, including tooth loss. If left untreated, tooth decay can progress and cause extensive damage to the teeth. There are […]

Why is it important to visit the dentist at least four times a year?

Regular treatment by a dentist is necessary as a preventive treatment for so many problems related to the oral environment. When you invest in preventive care and regular monitoring of the health of the oral cavity, you can learn a lot about how our oral environment behaves, and act accordingly. The dentist can alert us to all kinds of things that happen around our mouth and guide us on how to conduct ourselves in a correct and wise way. […]

Tartar in the teeth

Tartar Tartar is a serious dental problem that can lead to tooth decay, gum disease and even tooth loss. Calculus is a hard deposit that forms on the teeth, and can only be removed through professional cleaning by a dentist or hygienist. Without treatment, tartar can cause extensive damage to teeth and gums. In this article we will discuss the causes of tartar, its symptoms and how it can be treated. […]


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