
Jaw clicks

If you suffer from clicking in your jaw, you should read the following comprehensive and short article, which can give you a lot of information relevant to your situation, advice and operative methods. What are the causes of clicking in the jaw? A clicking jaw (from the tongue to knock on the door) or popping is usually a symptom of some kind of disorder of the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. About seventy percent of the world's population suffers from a form [...]

bone grafting

Jaw bone grafting - who is it suitable for? Bone grafting is intended for cases where it is not possible to perform implants due to a lack of bone. Lack of bone can be due to various reasons such as inflammation around the tooth which caused bone resorption, gum disease, congenital lack of teeth, lost teeth a long time ago and more. Bone grafting allows you to add bone where […]


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