
A prefabricated crown

A prefabricated crown is a kind of permanent temporary crown (which is not made according to exact measurements) but should last long enough until the milk tooth falls out. When is a prefabricated crown made? In the case of extensive caries, when a large part of the crown of the tooth is destroyed and there are not enough walls to support a large filling, as well as in a tooth that has undergone fluff cutting, a prefabricated crown is placed on the tooth. A prefabricated crown is a solution [...]

Fluoride treatment - fluoride

The use of fluoride benefits the outer layer of the tooth by strengthening the vitreous crystals and creating a protective layer on the surface of the tooth, thus reducing its exposure to the action of the bacteria in the plaque and increasing its resistance against the acidity created by the bacterial plaque. The treatment is cheap and fast and protects the teeth from decay. Fluoride is added to the tap water in most areas of the country and can also be obtained locally by [...]


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