
brushing teeth

It is important to brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride and visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. Also, children should be encouraged to brush their teeth from a young and tender age, from the moment teeth start to grow in their mouths, and in particular from the age when they can brush their teeth independently. Good oral hygiene habits will help prevent tooth decay, [...]

Tooth extraction - tooth extraction - wisdom tooth extraction

The doctors of the "Shinyim" network are committed to their work for the benefit of the patient and do everything in their power to treat the patients' teeth in the best and highest quality way. However, sometimes, it is not possible to save a damaged tooth and there is no choice but to extract the tooth. There are several situations that lead the doctor to decide on extraction, for example: a broken tooth that cannot be restored, a tooth with a destroyed crown, a very mobile tooth, teeth [...]

Tartar in the teeth

Tartar Tartar is a serious dental problem that can lead to tooth decay, gum disease and even tooth loss. Calculus is a hard deposit that forms on the teeth, and can only be removed through professional cleaning by a dentist or hygienist. Without treatment, tartar can cause extensive damage to teeth and gums. In this article we will discuss the causes of tartar, its symptoms and how it can be treated. […]

tooth decay

Tooth decay is among the most common infectious diseases in the Western world. Tooth decay is caused by the presence of bacteria and sugars near the teeth over time. The presence of bacteria near the surfaces of the teeth creates a sticky layer known as 'plaque' or dental plaque. Food and drink contain sugars that accumulate near the teeth. These bacteria break down the sugars and as a result an acid is formed that dissolves the hard tooth tissue [...]


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