The child's first set of teeth (baby teeth) is the basis for the development of permanent teeth. Caries affecting the baby teeth does not stop without proper treatment in time.
While in the early stages of tooth decay it is possible to stop the progress of tooth destruction by regular and relatively cheap treatment, postponing treatment will lead to deeper decay the tooth and damage to the nerve located in the pulp of the tooth.
Lint cutting is Root canal treatment Parts for children caused by extensive caries that was not treated in time.
How is fluff cut?
When the caries is very close to the pulp of the tooth, or when the destruction of the crown of the tooth is great, the pulp is cut.
In this treatment, the tooth fluff is removed but the root canal is not touched.
The treatment includes cleaning the office from contamination and caries, filling the space created with a special medicine and closing the tooth with a permanent filling or A prefabricated crown.